An example:


How to Peak for Race Day



A simple 3-week peaking strategy will help you get the most out of your season’s training on race day.


Coach Shelly’s Peaking Strategy

  • 3 weeks prior to race day complete ¾ of your usual weekly workouts. Keeping the same paces and types of workouts, just reduce the amount to ¾.
  • 2 weeks prior to race day follow the same strategy but reduce the workload of ½ your usual.
  • During the week before your race keep your distances to only ¼ the usual but still do a short (¼) speed workout.

By keeping the same types and speed workouts your body will remember how to respond when you race.  Reducing the stress of training will lower fatigue and foster a solid recovery from your season's training.

It will feel awkward to be resting and not wearing yourself out, but don't deviate from this strategy. Your body needs to be in a state of super compensation and prepared to perform. Following the strategy will successfully prepare your body.

Nervousness tends to appear the last week, along with insecure thoughts. Look over your season's training and remind yourself you are prepared. Trust that reducing your training level will give you the best performance.

My secret to using up the nervous energy, since I can't use it up while peaking, is to organize. I pick a closet to clean out, plan a project, or even sort the junk drawer. It is not hard on my body since it requires only small movements. My mind becomes occupied within a low-stress environment. Most of all, I feel accomplished when it is completed.


Explain to your training partners your peaking plan and ask them to keep you accountable.