An example:

Running Gear: How to Become a Better Runner in 30 Days

#8 Running Gear


My favorites!


Running is a simple sport, move forward towards a destination. However, just the right running gear can make the experience just a bit more enjoyable. I gathered my favorites and gave you a video of the whys!

Shopping Links:

Urban Halo

Turtle Fur Neck Warmer


Feeture Socks


36 inch Basic Foam Roller

Rollga Roller

Calf/Foot Stretcher

My Favorite Books

ADK Sports Expo - Find new solutions!

Also covered but no links available: Running Jacket, Running Hat


Run Happy!

This 30-day series is a quest for me as a writer, coach, and runner. I promise to write about running for 30 days in a row. In doing so I intend to gain in knowledge and expression of running and daily life. My hope is that we all grow together.

Shelly Binsfeld

Running Coach in Minnesota

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