An example:

Book Review- Your Best Stride



4/5 stars for the book Your Best Stride: How to Optimize Your Natural Running Form to Run Easier, Farther, and Faster- With Fewer Injuries by Jonathan Beverly (Former Running Times Editor)


This gem was found while listening to the Strength Running Podcast by Jason Fitzgerald.

First, as a library loan, I realized this synopsis of all things running form related would need to be highlighted, referenced, and snapshotted for years to come.  Quickly Amazon delivered it to my door so that I could delve into it further with highlighter and living room floor at hand, highlighter for all the details and floor for all the practicing.  

This book has realistic exercises and tips on all parts related to form for runners to turn words into actions.


Backing up now, YBS refers to many other authors and experts that I have gleaned good insight from in the past.  What is great about this book, however, is the weaving of knowledge and practical application from many experts. The author doesn't have the experts rival each other's opinion but lets them complement each other.   Thus making the flow of the topics clear and concise. Love it!


This is why I recommend the book to you.  It is like 6 books in one!  I devoured it on Sunday evening.  Often trying out the different stretching or strengthening examples in between soaking up the information.

So what did I gain from this 200 page cumulated expert form guide?

ONE --- I knew it all along. I told my training partners during my first injury in my foot as an adult runner that it was coming from the hips.  Something is not right in my hips.  I knew it before the research was screaming it.  Yes, your running injuries are most likely from tightness or weakness in your hips.  


TWO --- YBS did not suggest a long protocol that would take 1 hour of daily devotion.  It suggested to pick from several options and BE CONSISTENT.  Surprise, I agree too.  Primarily because my experience says consistency and program flexibility works!


THREE --- Your arms matter.  Your posture, arm carriage, and shoulder mobility all impact your stride and running form.  After saving my legs but sacrificing my shoulder in a fall a few years ago, my stride was messed up until my shoulder was healed and mobile again. 

Many more points were made in the book and I am sure you will find yourself quoting and using the advice. I know I will be sharing them with my athletes! 

So why only 4 out of 5 stars? Videos, I want videos of the stretches and strengthening exercises. I like to see the movement.  Hence why I was on my living room floor testing out each move. Curiosity caught my 13-year-old cross country runner, as he joined in with me.

Checking out the iPod game posture to see how the curling forward of the upper body can shorten our chest muscles and limit our shoulder's range of motion.

Checking out the iPod game posture to see how the curling forward of the upper body can shorten our chest muscles and limit our shoulder's range of motion.


There are several reasons I had an awesome workout today (4x800 intervals), but one of them has to be the gained knowledge from reading YBS last night.  I stretched my hip flexors, ran tall, drove my arms back, and powered with my gluts.  Thanks J. Beverly!


P.S. I gain nothing financially from this book review. I am just a runner that found a book and gave it 4 stars!

Hugging your FEET




Hug, stretch, and strengthen your feet within your daily life.


I know for sure you don't need one more task to add to your running routine.  However, no worries for this secret will shadow your normal business.

Are you ever at a playground, soccer field, swimming pool, football field, beach, stream, or even your backyard?  

The luscious green grass is calling for your feet.  Grains of sand beckon your toes.  You will be surprised of often you can succumb to your feet's desires for hugs, stretches, and strengthening.  

In July I said yes to my feet and they have loved me back. All around me were opportunities to take my shoes off.


I come upon sand everywhere.  My neighborhood playground has a sand pit.  The water park as a volleyball court. The many beaches we visit through the summer, all sand filled. State parks with more volleyball courts. The tickly wrapping of the sand around my arch is so comforting.  The ground moves with me and guides my foot muscles.

Yesterday, I must have looked so happy since the woman with her dog commented that I must be dreaming of the summer days at the beach.

While I awaited my children's playground exploration, I walked through foot drills. They are a common exercise prescribed by physical therapists and described in running magazines. See this article by Russ Ebbets. The Army West Point Cross Country Coach, Mike Smith, in my USATF Level Two seminar highlighted that his talented runners will do their foot drills in the sand.  Hence why I find my toes in the sand.


Then I found the walk through the soccer field grass to the park was amazingly soft and giving. My feet stretched with each push off the ground. I could feel each of my toes doing their part in my balance and movement. It was beauty.  I dreaded putting my shoes back on afterward.

field walking.JPG

The fellow hikers followed our example in the Rocky Mountains National Park last August when my family and I threw our shoes to the side and rambled through the cold waterfall river of the Alluvial Fan. The challenge of wrapping the foot around the rocks in order not to douse our clothing proved delightful. Oh, how the cool water soothed our hot muscles.  It was love at first sight!  As my daughter declared her new love for cold river water. 


Often our fear of hard objects keeps our protective shoes on.  However, if you look where you are walking you can avoid the danger 99% of the time. I must add paying attention to the blissful green below you is very calming.


This love is simple, take your shoes and socks off and walk through all the grass, water, and sand you can find.  It is every where!

Welcome to Minnesota


YES, Minnesotans are Minnesota NICE.

There is always one kid that won't smile for the family picture.



All customer care centers should be based out of Minnesota.  Everyone is nice.  I mean super nice! I would have waited another 20 minutes for the DMV specialist because she was so genuine and caring.  The school employees, check out boy at Target, post office clerk, gymnastic coordinator, and the ticket receiver at the Minnesota State Fair (biggest in the nation) are so, well, kind.  I love you Minnesotans and your nice attitudes.  You make me a better person after interacting with you.

Beginning of packing 2 Uhauls

Beginning of packing 2 Uhauls

So you got the hint that we packed up our family of six and moved back to Minnesota.  My husband and I met in college at Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2000.  We had our first son in Mankato in a wintery March of 2002.  We moved from MN to IL to NY. However the time came for us to return to our roots and finish raising the kids where we grew up, the Midwest.

Photo Bombed by a muscly teenager during out first evening in the Midwest.

Photo Bombed by a muscly teenager during out first evening in the Midwest.

Sorry for the long pause in blog writing, I have thought of you very often and have yearned to set out my thoughts on running and life before you.  Summers are always full of play and adventure. However, with the school year starting, I am able to carve out writing time.  I am so looking forward to sharing my constant new revelations and experiences.  So watch out Freedom to Run blog, Minnesota style is coming your way.


Stay tuned, wait, is that even a relevant saying anymore, what is tuned? Perhaps a better saying would be to check your email for musings.

One Change Impacting 180 Steps/Minute


One small change that will affect you 180 times a minute

Each running minute you take about 160-180 steps.  Each step is a chance to move forward with less effort and with greater distance.  The placement of your heels impact those steps. 


This one change in your running stride will increase your speed, decrease fatigue, and lighten your step.

After your foot leaves the ground at the back of you, raise your heel to be horizontal to the ground, as high as your knee. Even better is when you tuck it under your glutes as you swing the leg forward.  A shorter leg is easier to swing forward to take the next step.

Incorrect Yellow Line - Heel should be lifted up to the blue line.

Incorrect Yellow Line - Heel should be lifted up to the blue line.

Correct - Heel is lifted to a horizontal level and as high as the knee.

Correct - Heel is lifted to a horizontal level and as high as the knee.

"Less flexion of the knee is a negative during the swing phase of running because longer levers are harder to move compared with short levers. Longer levers require more force and thus more oxygen to move. In addition, the foot represents a significant weight, and having a large weight at the end of a long lever makes it very difficult to accelerate forward." (Running Science by Owen Anderson, PhD)

Top picture- Heel is too low, causing extra work while moving the leg forward. Bottom picture - Heel is tucked near the glutes, causing less work each stride.

Top picture- Heel is too low, causing extra work while moving the leg forward. Bottom picture - Heel is tucked near the glutes, causing less work each stride.

View these videos below to see the correct heel placement during the swing phase of the running stride.  Thanks to my son, the freezing videographer, for his assistance during Winter Storm Stella! (We got 17 inches in less than 24 hours.)


It is that simple. Next time you run, make each step easier by raising your heel.

In Just a Year and TWO MORE Runners


Celebrating ONE YEAR and looking for two more runners!


Hello Runners,

March 20th will be my first anniversary of private running coaching. Last spring I embarked upon this level of coaching and I am so thankful for all the opportunities I have had these past 12 months.

For seven years at the YMCA, I coached and presented Running Clinics with many runners of all different levels, individually and within groups. It was a great training ground and I became comfortable in the coaching role. 

However, one year ago I stepped out of my comfort zone by developing a website portraying how I can guide others through their training. I introduced myself as a running coaching and found many runners wanting guidence.

During this year of professional growth, two of my articles have been published in the Adirondack Sports Magazine, one (with another soon to be out) article in the Saratoga Mama magazine.  To date, I have published 34 blog posts, which have been a pouring out of my passion for running and all things related. Writing has given me another outlet to share the continuous knowledge I gain through my love of learning.  I enjoy having a voice as a writer. 

Receiving my USATF Level Two coaching certification brought a sense of pride as this mother of four had accomplished a great feat. In return, I have gotten the opportunity to observe the coach of the Shen High School girls running team, who was the second best team in NY and advanced on to Nike Nationals in Oregan in the fall. These trainings have strengthened my ability to guide runners through their seasons.

Over 60 youth ranging in ages 6-18 have gathered with me several times a week for 9 months of the year through my USATF youth team. This group is especially close to my heart as they are homeschoolers that would not get the opportunity to participate in a running team if this group did not exist.

Eighteen runners have worked with me in person through hour long running sessions. We have had many miles of conversations and discoveries. 

Six runners have improved their training through daily Training Guidance, which includes a combination of online training logs, texting, emailing, calling, facebook group, and runs. I have their back with resources, options, and tips to help them grow strong and quick.  Contributing to their transformations as runners over many months/year of close attention has been a highlight. 

It is time to celebrate as my one year anniversary approaches! Most of these opportunities to work with runners have come from friends sharing with friends. Please, take the chance to share with others your experience working with me this past year.

There are many ways I can help a runner.  From form analyzing, monthly training planning, race course preparation, track workouts, injury prevention and recovery, high school team preparation, starting running, running as an older runner, to how to fit running into a busy life, I am here to help running be a joyous and successful experience. 

At this point, I am looking for two more runners to work with at the level of daily Training Guidance.  This method has grown hopeful runners into consistent runners with wonderful results. Could you please spread the word and share your experiences working with me?  I would appreciate the referrals.  


I have shared many miles, joy, and knowledge with athletes from ages 6-65 of all different levels these past 12 months. Thanks, for your support friends!